Bitter Oleander (Kutaj) - Holarrhena Antidysenterica
Holarrhena Antidysenterica - Bitter Oleander (Kutaj)

Holarrhena Antidysenterica - Bitter Oleander(Kutaj) - Kurchi Bark
Botanical Name : Holarrhena Antidysenterica
Family Name : Apocynaceae
Common Name : Kutaja, Kutaj, Bitter Oleander, Connessi Bark, Kurchi Bark, , Dysentery Rose Bay, Tellicherry Bark, Coneru
Tamil Name : Veppaalai Arisi
Medicinal Uses :
- It is one of the best drug for diarrhoea. In chronic diarrhoea & to check blood coming from stool, it should be given with Isobgol, caster oil or Indrayav.
- According to Ayurveda, the bark is useful in treatment of piles, skin diseases and biliousness.
- The bark is used externally in case of skin troubles. The bark is mostly mixed with cow urine and applies it in affected parts.
- In treatment of urinary troubles, the bark is given with cow milk.
- The fresh juice of bark is considered good to check the diarrhoea.
- Application of this herb is useful in Rh. Arthritis & Osteoarthritis.
- The bark is used in chest affections and as a remedy in diseases of the skin and spleen.
- It is a well known herb for amoebic dysentry and other gastric disorders.
- The bark is used as an astringent, anthelmintic, antidontalgic,stomachic, febrifuge, antidropsical, diuretic, in piles, colic, dyspepsia, chest affections and as a remedy in diseases of the skin and spleen.
- It is a well known drug for amoebic dysentery and other gastric disorders.
- It is also indicated in diarrhoea, indigestion, flatulence and colic.
- The herb is helpful in augmenting digestion and appetite.
- It works well in ano-rectal problems, like proctitis, painful defecation, retal swellings, etc.Because of its styptic property, bitter oleander assists in arresting the bleeding piles.
- Orally kutaja is effectively used in various maladies; It works well in the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery, associated with bleeding as well. Since centuries, it has been used as a household remedy for the same.
- It also works well in other ano-rectal problems like proctitis, painful defecation, rectal swellings etc,
- Kutaja is beneficial also in skin diseases, especially of oozing type. It can be used as an adjuvant in the treatment of obesity to get rid of excessive fats.
- The herb is also useful in gout as well as raktapitta. The skin of the bark, grated in cow’s milk wirks well in painful, difficult micturition and in urinary stones also.
- Kutaja skin and vidanga seed powder is a popular household remedy for intestinal worm infestations in children.
- Kutajarista and Kutajavaleha are the most popular preparations used in diarrhea, dysentery, colitis and bleeding problems.
Botanical Name : Holarrhena Antidysenterica
Family Name : Apocynaceae
Common Name : Kutaja, Kutaj, Bitter Oleander, Connessi Bark, Kurchi Bark, , Dysentery Rose Bay, Tellicherry Bark, Coneru
Tamil Name : Veppaalai Arisi.