Star Anise (Chinese Anise) - Illicium Verum (Illiciaceae)
Illicium Verum - Star Anise

Illicium Verum (Illiciaceae) - Star Anise- Chinese Anise
Botanical Name : Illicium Verum.
Family Name : Illiciaceae.
Tamil Name : Anusappu, Anusuppu, Anasi poo, Takkolam, Annacippu, Anasuppan, Annaci, Anasipoo, Annasippu.
Common Name : Star Anise,Chinese anise, Anise.
Sanskrit Name : Takkola, Takkolakam.
Hindi Name : Anasphal,Chakra Phool.
Malayalam Name : Takkolappottil, Takkolapputtil.
Kannada Name : Kankola, Chainaa sompu, Chakramaggi, Maraat moggu.
Telgu Name : Anasapurvem, Anasapuveru, Kuppi, Anas poovu.
Medicinal Uses :
- Star Anise is a warm stimulant herb that is mainly used to benefit digestion. It is believed to be a particularly effective stomachic that strengthens stomach function and helps to relieve colic flatulence, nausea, and vomiting.
- Further supporting its use as a stomach aid, Star Anise is regarded as an antispasmodic for the gastrointestinal tract and helps to relieve abdominal pain and general gastrointestinal distress.
- Star Anise is a warm and stimulating herb that is believed to relieve complaints that are associated with cold conditions, particularly lumbago, and rheumatism.
- Star Anise is considered an antibacterial, antifungal, and expectorant, has been used to relieve bronchitis, and has even been included in cough mixtures to relieve dry coughs, as well as a flavoring.
- Anise also contains some compounds that are estrogenic (anethole, similar to estrogen female hormone) and promotes menstruation, facilitating childbirth, increasing libido in women, and oddly enough some people have reported androgenic (male hormone) effects as well.
- Star Anise is used as a sedative, especially for nervousness and to induce sleep.
- It can help prevent fermentation and gas in the stomach and bowels, thus relieving bloating and belching after meals.
- It has been mostly used for digestion issues including indigestion, nausea and gallbladder cleansing. It can also help asthma, bronchitis, and insomnia.
Other Uses :
Fruits are used as condiments for flavoring curries, confectionery. It is also used in Perfumery. Fruit is chewed to sweeten the breath and to help digestion. It is stomachic and carminative. It is used as an adjunct to cough mixtures and as corrective of taste. Star anise oil is used in perfumery and soaps. The oil is stimulant, stomachic, carminative, mildly expectorant and diuretic.
Expectorant, anti-spasmodic, carminative, anti-microbial, aromatic, galactogogue. Improves memory, get rid of oily skin, calm coughs, increases milk production for nursing mothers and serve as a natural antacid. Commercially, it is very popular as a fragrance and a flavoring. It is very effective as a carminative (to relieve gas pains). Used as a cough remedy, bronchitis, asthma, as a digestive aid, may be used for relieving menopausal discomforts, treating some form of prostate cancer in men. It may have potential in treating hepatitis and cirrhosis, although tests are being conducted on this.
Indications :
The volatile oil in Aniseed provides the basis for its internal use to ease griping, intestinal colic and flatulence. It also has an expectorant and anti-spasmodic action and may be used in bronchitis, in tracheitis where there is persistent irritable coughing, and in whooping cough. Externally, the oil may be used in an ointment base for the treatment of scabies. The oil by itself will help in the control of lice. Aniseed has been demonstrated to increase mucociliary transport and so supporting its use as an expectorant. It has mild estrogenic effects, thought to be due to the presence of dianethole and photoanethole, which explains the use of this plant in folk medicine to increase milk secretion, facilitate birth and increase libido.
Botanical Name : Illicium Verum.
Family Name : Illiciaceae.
Tamil Name : Anusappu, Anusuppu, Anasi poo, Takkolam, Annacippu, Anasuppan, Annaci, Anasipoo, Annasippu.
Common Name : Star Anise,Chinese anise, Anise.
Sanskrit Name : Takkola, Takkolakam.
Hindi Name : Anasphal,Chakra Phool.
Malayalam Name : Takkolappottil, Takkolapputtil.
Kannada Name : Kankola, Chainaa sompu, Chakramaggi, Maraat moggu.
Telgu Name : Anasapurvem, Anasapuveru, Kuppi, Anas poovu.